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How Tarot Can Guide You to Clarity (Not Predict Your Future!)

Updated: 1 day ago

Tarot reading is often misunderstood as fortune-telling, but it’s so much more than predicting future events. Intuitive counseling, especially when using Tarot, is about uncovering the deeper layers of our psyche and providing meaningful insights into life’s complexities. Rather than attempting to foresee an unchangeable future, I approach Tarot as a tool for self-discovery and reflection. My practice is based on guiding clients toward understanding their current circumstances, emotional patterns, and potential outcomes based on their present energies. Tarot becomes a mirror to help you see what is often hidden within yourself.

What makes intuitive counseling different from fortune-telling is that it focuses on empowerment rather than fate. When I sit with a client for a Tarot session, the goal is not to tell them what’s going to happen next but to help them tap into their own intuition and wisdom. The cards, combined with my intuitive insights, provide guidance on the choices they can make to navigate life’s challenges. Tarot reading in this context is about helping you take control of your journey, understanding that the future is shaped by the decisions you make today.

In my work, I integrate Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious into Tarot readings. Jung believed that the collective unconscious is a part of the mind that contains shared memories, symbols, and experiences that transcend individual cultures and generations. When I interpret Tarot cards, I tap into these universal symbols that speak to our shared human experiences. The archetypes in Tarot, like the Fool, the Empress, and the Tower, align with these deep-rooted symbols, giving us insight into both personal and collective aspects of our lives. This approach allows the reading to connect deeply with your subconscious, bringing hidden thoughts, feelings, and desires to the surface.

I’ve seen Tarot help clients gain clarity in many areas of their lives. For example, one client came to me feeling stuck in their career, unsure whether to take a leap of faith and start a business or stay in their current job. Through Tarot and intuitive counseling, we uncovered their fear of failure and a need for security—insights they hadn’t fully acknowledged. The reading didn’t tell them which path to take, but it did provide clarity on what was holding them back, allowing them to make an empowered decision to move forward. Tarot, in this way, becomes a guide to self-awareness and confidence.

Ultimately, intuitive counseling with Tarot is a collaborative process between the reader and the client. It’s about exploring possibilities, understanding the energies at play, and discovering how to make more conscious, aligned decisions. The cards open a window to your inner world, where deeper truths can be revealed and healing can begin. By focusing on personal growth and emotional clarity, Tarot readings can illuminate your path forward, not as a set fate, but as a journey you have the power to shape.

Ready to gain clarity and take control of your journey? Book a Tarot reading with me today and discover how intuitive counseling can guide you through life’s challenges. Together, we’ll explore the energies at play and uncover the insights you need to make empowered decisions. Tap into your inner wisdom—schedule your session now!


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